What do we do for environmental sustainability?

At Teixim Esperances we carry out all our activities with a deep respect for people and the environment.

We are moving towards a circular economy, energy efficiency, waste reduction, reuse and recycling. We feel very committed to the territory and, in particular, to the privileged environment from which we work: Terres de l’Ebre.

Therefore, our project is directly related to the following ODS de la ONU

Clean water and sanitation

What does the ONU say about this goal?

At Teixint Esperances, we make significant efforts to reduce water consumption.

Clean and affordable energy

What does the ONU say about this goal?

We use LED lights indoors and outdoors, which allows us to reduce the consumption of electricity.

In the choice of machinery, energy efficiency is a priority.

In new vehicle additions, we will prioritize hybrids and zero-kilometer vehicles.

Responsible consumption and production

What does the ONU say about this goal?

We separate all the waste fractions.